Keeping Kids Busy En Route

It is my least favorite part of packing:  figuring out what to put in the diaper bag/kids’ backpacks to keep them busy on the flight or on a long car trip.  Finding something that engages them, is age-appropriate, is portable and doesn’t spill all over the floor, doesn’t have tiny pieces that will get lost in the seat.  Because I dislike it, I procrastinate and I’m often trying to gather activities at the last minute when I’m at my least creative, patient, or resourceful!

In homage to all you parents out there like me, here are a few recommendations based on your child’s age and areas of interest.

Ages 0-6 months

Ages 6-12 months

Ages 12-24 months

Ages 2-3 years

Ages 3-5 years

Ages 6-8 years


Travel well!


P.S. If you have any tips or tricks to share with the community, please leave them below in the comments!